Our clients trust us
to deliver outstanding results

Because we are
true experts
in non-aviation

What we do

We master all key success factors for optimal non-aviation revenues.

KILSA Group Business Strategy

Due Diligence & Business Strategy

KILSA Group Terminal layout

Terminal design & layout

KILSA Group Concession mix

Concession mix & Optimization


Marketing & Digital

KILSA Group Tenders

Tenders & Contracts

We master all key success factors for optimal non-aviation revenues. Our team defines business development strategies, develops international tender documentation packages, undertakes due diligence and calculates detailed revenue forecasts, for acquisition bids. These cross-functional competencies allow us to deliver sharp, efficient and cost-effective outputs.

Due Diligence & Business Strategy

Terminal design & layout

Concession mix & Optimization

Marketing & Digital

Tenders & Contracts

  • Economic and service performance
  • Contract review
  • Commercial master plan
  • Strategic plan
  • Sales and Revenue forecast
  • Benchmarking and trend analysis
  • Market studies
  • Space allocation by area and category
  • Commercial layouts
  • Design brief
  • Logistic areas
  • Airport identity
  • Customer segmentation
  • Commercial concept
  • Category and brand mix
  • New services
  • Operational optimization
  • Pax experience review
  • Communication strategy
  • Promotional planning
  • Digital strategy
  • Collaborative model
  • RFPs and contracts preparation
  • Tender management
  • Contract negotiation
  • Daily operational requirements
  • Technical booklet and implementation manual
  • Concession management system

Why us

Our in-depth expertise allows us to deliver solutions that guarantee an outstanding passenger experience and maximise profitability.

Integrated solutions

Hands on experience

Diverse portfolio & local understanding

Senior team

Customised approach

We are true experts in non-aviation revenues and our in-depth expertise allows us to deliver solutions that guarantee an outstanding passenger experience and maximise profitability.

Integrated solutions

Hands-on experience

Diverse portfolio & local understanding

Senior team

Customised approach

Optimising commercial revenues is a complex process. We, therefore, offer our expertise in all aspects of the business; from business management and development to terminal planning, market studies, tenders, contracts, financial modelling, etc.

We often work long term, on-site to ensure that implementation of changes, tendering of contracts or training of local staff, is done to the client's satisfaction. Our experience includes several projects with a full-time on-site presence over several years.

We have worked, and lived, in multiple countries. No airport is too small or too large. A good understanding of local customs and speaking the language means a smoother and easier work process for all parties involved.

We guarantee the allocation of our best resources to each project. And our clients can always count on a partner driving the project.

We use benchmarks – but do not rely on them. Each airport is unique and we therefore always address it with a customised approach. We use our experience and expertise to identify enhancement opportunities and to introduce global best practice.

We offer a consolidated view!

We know how to implement it!

We understand the different cultures!

We guarantee total dedication!

We focus on every detail!


Our capabilities

Our unique revenue-enhancing capabilities cover every key area of the non-aviation business.

KILSA Group, Retail


KILSA Group, In-terminal services

In-terminal services

KILSA Group, Landside Access

Landside Access

KILSA Group, Real estate

Real estate and other non-aviation

KILSA Group, transport

Other transport infrastructures

Our unique revenue-enhancing capabilities cover every key area of the non-aviation business.

KILSA Group, Retail KILSA Group, In-terminal services KILSA Group, Landside Access KILSA Group, Real estate KILSA Group, transport


In-terminal services

Landside Access

Real estate and other non-aviation

Other transport infrastructures

  • Duty-free
  • Specialised Retail
  • Food & Beverage
  • Advertising
  • Banks & Fx
  • Lounges
  • Other services
  • Car parking
  • Car rental
  • Curbside access
  • Ground Transportation
  • Offices, Hotel, Shopping malls
  • Hangars
  • Fuel
  • Telecom
  • Subway stations
  • Train stations
  • Intercity bus terminals

Our references

  • Aena
  • ADP
  • AIG
  • Airplan
  • Aldeasa
  • ANA
  • asur
  • Atlantia
  • Avialliance
  • Banorte
  • BayernLB
  • BNPParibas
  • BoozAllen
  • Caboverde
  • Cintra
  • Commerzbank
  • Commomwealthbank
  • Copenhagen
  • Cowi
  • Deutsche bank
  • Dragados
  • Enana
  • ferrovial
  • Goldman Sachs
  • Governo de Portugal
  • Halcrow
  • Hochtief
  • IATA
  • ICAO
  • Idom
  • Infrata
  • Intervistas
  • JP Morgan
  • LeighFisher
  • Lufthansa consulting
  • Malaysia
  • MKB Bank
  • Mott
  • Newcastle
  • Ontario teachers
  • Oslo
  • Patria
  • Prague airport
  • PWC
  • RBC
  • Royal Bank of Scotland
  • San Juan
  • Saudi
  • Societe Generale
  • UBS
  • vinci
  • Zurich


About us

We have worked on-site and hands-on at more than 70 airports, spanning all sizes of operations and all parts of the world. Over the past 21 years, we have advised investors, operators and brands on how best to optimise non-aviation revenues.

Whether we work on a single aspect of the non-aviation activities, or a full-scale project, our team consist of true experts in their field, actively led by a partner. Our experts have been carefully selected on basis of their highly specialised skill sets, this includes proven experience not only in consulting but also in top executive functions in the relevant areas.

Leadership team
Paula Santos

Managing Partner

Trine Kildevaeld

Managing Partner

Contact us

Our offices

London: 308 High Street, Croydon CR0 1NG, United Kingdom

Lisbon: Av. República, 6, 8º dto, 1050-191 Lisbon, PORTUGAL

Email: info@kilsagroup.com |

London: 308 High Street, Croydon CR0 1NG, United Kingdom | Lisbon: Av. República, 6, 8º dto, 1050-191 Lisbon, PORTUGAL | Email: info@kilsagroup.com |